Abberton Pride NarniaParis K222 Click photo to enlarge ABBERTON K222 details to follow. Pedigree: PGS:YOUNG DALE HOGAN 3Y (IMP) #679078(CA)16 Sire:ABBERTON DAZZLE G160 #UK302297 300160 PGD: ABBERTON DUCHESS LULU E112 #UK302297 400112 ABBERTON PRIDE NARNIAPARIS K222 #UK302297 200222 MGS:DYLEMMA RADAR W42 (AI) (IMP) #CBJW42(AU)31 Dam:ABBERTON PRIDE NARNIA G162 #UK302297 500162 MGD:ABBERTON PRIDE NANCY D083 #UK302297 300083 Progeny: ABBERTON PRIDE NARNIA 306 N306