Abberton Erica L266

Abberton Erica L266
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ERICA L266 was one of the top 3 in 2011. ebv TS 5%  SR 10% top 1% fat. She is a full sister to Abberton Eminem M285. New herd sire to Goulding Angus in Ireland.


Down Arrow  PGS:Young Dale Hogan 3YYOUNG DALE HOGAN 3Y (IMP) #679078(CA)16

Down Arrow  Sire:Abberton Dazzle G160ABBERTON DAZZLE G160 #UK302297 300160

Up Arrow  PGD: ABBERTON DUCHESS LULU E112 #UK302297 400112
ABBERTON ERICA L266 #UK302297 400266

Down Arrow  MGS: NIGHTINGALE PRINCE JONA F335 #UK302307 400335

Up Arrow  Dam:Abberton Erica H187ABBERTON ERICA H187 #UK302297 200187

Up Arrow  MGD:Abberton Erica D089ABBERTON ERICA D089 #UK302297 200089
